Jan 6, 2012

Sardinian Snack

Happy Befana everybody! This picture was taken during a lovely snack, nicely prepared by my Mamy, that I had on the beach of Sardinia with my boyfriend.

Here we have a traditional thin crunchy Sardinian bread called "Carasau", with some homemade salami and pecorino cheese.... best snack ever! So flavorful! You should follow my advice and put Sardinia in your list of places to visit! It will blow your mind away for food, people, stunning beauty of the coast line, and of the inter land little villages! Enjoy! Buon Appetito!

5 Delicious Comments:

Elena said...

very good this recipe is the perfect combinations, I love every single ingredient

Cristina said...

I looooove "pane carasau"!!I tried it in Sardinia two years ago and I have been buying it in Rome too ever since!

La cucina di Molly said...

Squisitissimo il pane carasau così farcito!Ciao

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Elena: Thanks Elena for stopping by! :)

@ Cristina: Thanks Cristina! I am glad you can find this product of my island in Rome too! I love Rome.... been there many times when I was living in Sardinia!

@ Molly: Grazie cara! Bacioni!

Anonymous said...

Oh mio dio! mi hai fatto venire una fame della madonnaaaaaa! monella!!!
che bontà!

by Giulia!

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Yukari *The Kitchen Fairy*

Yukari   *The Kitchen Fairy*
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