Dec 15, 2011

Eggplant Crostini

As you already know, I love finger food! Here is another recipe I created the other day while looking around my fridge :)


Melba toast (or any other crostini like cracker)
Cream cheese

I started by coating my eggplant slices with a mixture of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Then I grilled them. I put some cream cheese on my toasts and topped each of them with a slice of eggplant. They were delicious!! Enjoy! Buon appetito!

5 Delicious Comments:

La cucina di Molly said...

Questi crostini di melanzane sono squisiti,mi piace questa variante!Ciao

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Molly: Grazie! Si semplicissimi e deliziosi!

Gisela said...

I'm German and Japanese so my cooking is the same way. My parents used to think it was so funny when I would eat rotkohl with chopstick.

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Gisela: Hi! It's very nice to meet another mixed japanese! Lol very funny! I am glad we got to connect and thanks for visiting my blog! I will upload soon some Japanese dessert! Tschuss!!

Pasticcia said...

Hello! What a wonderful recipe ... I liked it a lot and so I rebuilt with the changes ... I added the sausage and the normal place of vinegar I used balsamic vinegar. Very good!
Thanks for the wonderful idea!

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Yukari *The Kitchen Fairy*

Yukari   *The Kitchen Fairy*
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