Oct 10, 2011

Little Salty Croissants & Tortilla Pinwheels

I love finger food! There is no easier and faster appetizer like finger food. This time I want to show you 2 great appetizers: Little salty croissants and tortilla pinwheels.

For the croissants I bought the Pillsbury dough for croissants and just put a piece of Brie cheese wrapped in prosciutto in each triangle. Then I rolled up the little croissant and brushed the top with an egg, salt and pepper.

For the tortilla pinwheels I purchased the tortillas. I spread some cream cheese on top of the tortilla then put some sliced ham and cheese. I rolled up each tortilla and wrapped it tightly in some plastic first and then in some aluminum foil. I put them in the freezer for like 30 minutes and then moved them to the fridge until I am ready to cut them in thick slices and served them! Yummy! Enjoy! Buon appetito!

1 Delicious Comments:

Patty said...

Ciao Yukari e grazie della visita, complimenti per il tuo blog è molto bello e interessante. Molto utile la tabella di unità di misura. Sono tra i tuoi lettori fissi. Smack

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Yukari *The Kitchen Fairy*

Yukari   *The Kitchen Fairy*
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