Oct 21, 2011

My Best Cooking Team in Italy

Here is a picture of my last visit back home in Italy. I was with some very special ladies that cook like they have enchanted hands! My Mum is missing from this picture but next time I'll go back I'll make sure to take a good one with her too! She is the greatest cook too! :)

From the left: Tonina, Me, Pasqua (My lovely nanny, like a second mother to me), and Maria.
We were preparing a big lunch in occasion of the grape harvest... after everybody finishes working at the vineyard, they come over for a well deserved lunch, which that day consisted of : Homemade gnocchi pasta and ricotta ravioli, Beef, with side salad and of course delicious desserts of all kinds!! Everything paired with a good glass of homemade red wine!

7 Delicious Comments:

Il Mondo Capovolto said...

:) che bel quartetto!!!
Immagino che bontà quel pranzo! Poi io adoro i ravioli ^-^ e i desserts pure ..per quelli c'è sempre spazio ^-^

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Dreamy Melrose: Grazie carissima! Si il pranzo era una delizia! Sopratutto quando la roba e' tutta genuina fatta in casa come in questa occorrenza! yummy! :)

Angie's Recipes said...

Four fine ladies!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Angie: Thanks Angie! They really are! :)

Unknown said...

anche qui si fanno pranzi e cene a fine vendemmia! anche a inizio e a metà a dire il vero....ogni scusa è buona per mangiare tutti insieme:)

Unknown said...

p.s. siete bellissime!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Cannella: Grazie mille cara! Condivido pienamente con te! :)

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Yukari *The Kitchen Fairy*

Yukari   *The Kitchen Fairy*
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