Nov 13, 2011

Peanut Butter & Jelly Fritters

This is a very fun way to make your usual Peanut Butter and jelly sandwich. You will need some white or whole wheat sandwich bread, Peanut butter, jelly and vegetable oil to fry. Just make some rounds out of the sliced bread. Spread some Peanut butter and jelly on top, leaving some space from the edges. Place another slice of bread on top and pinch firmly with your fingers, sealing the 2 bread slices. Now fry the until golden brown. Drain them on some paper towel sheets and sprinkle with some powder sugar on top. Enjoy! Buon Appetito!

12 Delicious Comments:

garlutti said...

I really love this delicious recipe .. I have never used the peanut butter .. bsssMARIMI

i dolci di laura said...

bello il tuo blog! le tue ricette sono davvero interessanti e golose!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Garlutti: Thank you! You should definitely try the Peanut butter... so yummy!

@ Dolci di Laura: Grazie Laura! A presto!

Unknown said...

io adoro il burro d'arachidi* . * complimenti! sembra davvero semplice e d'effetto!

leaf (the indolent cook) said...

This is such a cool idea! A naughty and yummy little snack. :D

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Yukari, Thanks for visiting my blog! It is nice to find you, too. This little snack would be perfect for my grnadkids (& me)!!!!!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Cannella Impazzita: Grazie cara! Se ti piace il burro di arachidi allora questa la devi proprio provare! :)

@ Leaf: Thanks! You are right when you say naughty! LOL but once in a while is nice to have it! :)

@ Kitty: Thank you! Let me know if your grandkids will appreciate it! :)

La cucina di Molly said...

Mi piace questa ricetta... col burro d'arachidi deve essere una vera bontà! Ciao

Violeta said...

Can't wait to try this recipe! My mouth is watering!!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Molly: Grazie cara... si da provare davvero... poi la combinazione burro di arachidi e marmellata e' incredibilmente buona! :)

@ Violeta: LOL yes deff a must try! :) I hope you'll enjoy them!

elilup said...

Yukiiiiiiiii!!!Perché ero all' oscuro dell' esistenza di questa bomba al colesterolo???Sembranno buonissimiiiiiiii!!!

Yukari - The Kitchen Fairy said...

@ Ely: Ahahahaha! Hai detto bene... bomba al colesterolo... pero' ogni tanto ce vo'! Provali!!! Li puoi anche fare con la nutella in mezzo o quello che vuoi! Baci!

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Yukari *The Kitchen Fairy*

Yukari   *The Kitchen Fairy*
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